Lesson Policy

Lesson Policy


  • All students must have their own instrument in proper working order, a pencil, notebook and folder.
  • For In-Home lessons, the lesson area should be set up away from most household activities. Distractions and disruptions are detrimental to learning.
  • Parents are welcome to sit in on lessons at any time.


  • Tuition rates are per weekly lesson for which you will be billed monthly in advance. A specific day/time slot will be reserved for the student. 24-hour notice is required for all cancellations. Students are responsible to pay for any lessons cancelled within 24-hours (with the exception of medical emergencies).
  • Lessons should begin within 5 minutes of their scheduled time. If you are going to be any more than 5 minutes late for your lesson, please let me know by phone/text (516-234-5299). In the case that a student is more than 15 minutes late without any contact, the lesson may be cancelled and will be treated as a student absence.
  • In the occurrence of a teacher cancellation we will try to reschedule the lesson. The student will not be expected to pay for any teacher cancellations.
  • For Lessons taught in the student’s home, a parent or responsible adult must be present for any student under the age of eighteen (18). If a parent or responsible adult is not present, the lesson will not be taught and will be treated (and billed) as an absence without notification.
  • To discontinue lessons, please notify your teacher in advance. If we do not receive notification, you will be billed for your reserved time slot.


  • Lessons will be invoiced at the beginning of each month. If you anticipate any cancellations due to holidays, vacations, etc. please try to let me know by the end of the previous month. If I find out about a cancellation after the invoice has been sent, a credit will be applied to the following month.
  • If you wish to pay week-to-week, payment is due on the day of the lesson.
  • Acceptable payment options include:
    • Csh
    • QuickPay / Zelle: scott@scottkulick.com
    • PayPal: scott@scottkulick.com
    • Check payable to Scott Kulick